Governing Documents

Farmington Woods is a special and unique place where over one thousand families live in a relatively small area and enjoy high standards of collective privacy and comfort. The Management is charged by the Executive Board with the responsibility of maintaining these standards of quality and acquainting all residents with the rules and regulations that make it work. The life style of a condominium like Farmington Woods demands of its residents strict adherence to the Farmington Woods Condominium Declarations, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations and Association Policies as well as a reasonable consideration for the privacy and comfort of one’s neighbors and the community as a whole.
 Resident Handbook
 Design Review Guidelines
Governing Ordinance of the Farmington Woods District
Certificate of Incorporation of Farmington Woods Master Association, Inc
Certificate of Amendment
Farmington Woods Document Overlay
(An outline of the impact of the 2009 Amendments to the Common Interest Ownership Act)
Farmington Woods Master Association, Inc.
By-Laws and Amendments 
Agreement of Merger and Amended and Restated Declaration
(Volume 332, Page 758)
 A Consent and Agreement to Agreement of Merger and Amended and Restated Declaration of Condominium (Volume 339, Page 77)
Amendment No. 1 
Amendment No. 2 
Amendment No. 3
 Amendment No. 4
Amendment No. 5 
 Amendment No. 6
Amendment No. 7 
Amendment No. 8
Amendment No. 9
Amendment No. 10
Affidavit of Facts...General Statutes Sect. 47-12a 
Amendment No. 11 Assignment of Development Rights
Amendment No. 12
Amendment No. 13
Amendment No. 14
 Amendment No. 15
Amendment No. 16 
Amendment No. 17 (correct)
Amendment No. 17
 Amendment No. 18
 Amendment No. 19
 Amendment No. 20
Amendment No. 21 
Amendment No. 22
Amendment No. 23
 Amendment No. 24
 Amendment No. 25
 Amendment No. 26
 Garage Amendment 1      Garage Amendment 2      Garage Amendment 3
Reassigning of Limited Common Element Carport 231
Conflict of Interest Policy