- Tennis Lessons: Paul Ratcliffe USPTA Tennis Pro . Lessons on Farmington Woods courts by appointment. Call or text 860-707-9573 or Email [email protected]
- Women’s Tennis at Farmington Woods is going strong. Women who have some experience playing are welcome to join us. We come with various skill levels to enjoy the sport, the company, the fresh air and exercise. We play Monday through Saturday mornings from 9:00 am to10:30 am on Heritage court #4. Teams are switched up to fill the two week schedule and accommodate everyone’s availability and preferences (1 to 3xwk). Please contact Linda Papertsian at [email protected] or 860-796-5643 if you are interested.
Pickleball Now at Farmington Woods:
Because of the increasing popularity of this sport, we have painted one of the Tennis Courts at the Guilford Recreation area to accomodate Pickle Ball. There is a sign up sheet available at the court and you will need your own equipment to play. If you don’t know the game, there are rules there to assist you. We hope you will make use of this new amenity and enjoy it.
Attention Pickleball Players: I would like to organize pickleball play here at FW. If you are interested please contact me at [email protected] with the following information: Name, Address, Email address, Phone number, Experience level and Availability.

Paddle Tennis is a winter sport.
There are active groups that play through out the cooler months.