FWWGA 9-Hole Club

Women’s 9-Hole Club

Member Contact: Peg Watson, President, [email protected]

DUES:  $65

The 9-hole golf league consists of women of all ages and skill levels.  The league meets Wednesday mornings from April through October.  You must be a full golf member to be eligible to play.  It's a perfect group for newer golfers to gain more experience in a comfortable setting or for seasoned golfers who believe 9 holes of play is just right!
The league is designed for women interested in enjoying a game of golf in a friendly and non-competitive environment.  Following the game of golf most members enjoy a leisurely lunch on the clubhouse patio.

If you'd like to enjoy a trial round with us, contact Peg Watson at (860) 673-2872 or [email protected]
Date/Time:  Wednesday mornings 9:30 a.m.

To join please return your $65 check, Payable to FWWGA 9 Hole Club to:
Peg Watson
5 Chevas Road, Avon, CT 06001
(860) 673-2872
[email protected]

Click Here for the 2025 FWWGA 9-Hole Golf League Tournament Schedule

 Golf Genius League Portal   https://www.golfgenius.com/


It's not just about playing golf!

It's not just about playing golf!